Download charles barkley shut up and jam
Download charles barkley shut up and jam

Barkley claims innocence but his words fall on deaf ears. They make good on their promise by executing a Chaos Dunk on Manhattan.

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A terrorist organization known as BLOODMOSES has threaten the world with bloodshed and pain. Without the power of B-Ball to sustain it, and with disaster just behind them, civilization began to degrade and usher in the Post-Cyberpocalypse. Many, once trusted and popular athletes were slain as a grief-stricken population took revenge. Some ballers survived though, greats like Larry Bird, the treacherous Michael Jordan, and the perpetrator of the Chaos Dunk himself, Charles Barkley. The fans grew fearful and in their panic began the great B-Ball purge.

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It leveled the venue, wrecked the city, and killed millions (For, as we all know, Basketball is the most powerful force in the universe).

download charles barkley shut up and jam

Twelve years ago one B-Baller performed a Verboten Jam, invoking the Chaos Dunk. The year is 2053 and the events you are about to witness - and instigate - are totally canon.

Download charles barkley shut up and jam